Here are the tips so that you are not wrong, a laptop that used to be is to play games, and safe, without forcing you to choose a savings account break.
First Not with the big VGA Memory Stick
Most users with the amount of VGA memory stick. This type of thing for a gap to tempt unscrupulous seller consumers buy their products under the guise of a large memory. While the principal of a VGA is the chipset.
Remember, when series graphics card chipsets in laptop graphics chipset is a mobile version that can not be compared with a dedicated graphics chipset for desktop computers. As if on a laptop with Nvidia 560M graphics card then the performance is not as powerful as the desktop version of the GTX 560, although the same type of chip.
This difference is affected due to heat and power consumption are more stringent for laptops. Also, make sure you do not choose a laptop with VGA onboard (like the Intel GMA), if you want to use it for games. This is because the onboard VGA is not able to run games smoothly.
Second Select offers a laptop, a simple upgrade components
Some laptops offer a choice for some components (like RAM, VGA and hard disks) can be upgraded. Make it look much as possible for the series, the support for these needs.
If you have more money, you can replace components without the need to buy a new laptop. So, do not forget, the seller, whether the replacement of certain components on the notebook easily or can not ask to be done.
Third Note the size and resolution
Screen size and resolution are often closely linked, and this is very important for a game. Be the screen with higher resolution, greater demands on a game a good graphics chip.
So if your laptop is equipped with a graphics chip mediocre, then the screen resolution is too high will cause the game runs at a minimum setting and a bit slow.
The screen size itself is also important because the game is too small on a screen this size, of course, interfere with the fun game play itself is. We recommend that at least you opt for a laptop with a screen measuring 14 inches or 15 inches if you took a frequent traveler it, or with a screen size 17 inches if you want to use it as a desktop replacement and you do not often wear it.
4th Verify connectivity as needed
In order to play games comfortably, you will not be able to rely on the touchpad. You need a keyboard and mouse gaming quality.
Make sure your laptop enough USB ports for mouse, keyboard, gamepad / joystick and a laptop is cooler, because when heavy applications such as gaming laptop run faster heat.
Also think about whether your laptop has HDMI or at least a VGA port so you can at any time a laptop to a TV or monitor with a larger screen.
5th The highest specification, not necessarily the best
Do not stick with the highest series laptop that you buy. It is better to have a laptop that is lower than the 1-2 series top series is to be selected because their performance should not be too far away, but with the price difference is quite a lot.
Five tips that were mentioned above is a technical guide in the search for a cheap laptop for games. Not a few other factors to alter the decision, when arriving at the store, where you can buy. Shopping as a specific promotion or discount specials before the holiday.
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