Recreation Park Mekarsari is located in Bogor district exactly on Jl. Raya Cullinan, Jonggol Km.03, Bogor Regency, offers the concept of "Reakreasi surrounded stunning tropical fruit garden with an area 264 hectares. The idea of making this Mekarsari fruit garden is alm. Ibu Tien Soeharto.
Recreation Park Mekarsari having a diverse collection of plants more than 100,000 plants consisting of 78 Family, 362 Species, Varieties and 1.463 37 000 trees.
Mekarsari Park is one of diversity conservation center fruits trofika, fruit-largest in the world. Particularly superior fruit available in the area of Indonesia, and other plant conservation activities, conduct research Mekarsari Park cultivation and propagation of seeds for later disseminated to farmers and communities
With an area of 264 hectares, Recreation Park Mekarsari also supported by a variety of spacecraft such as: Forum Channels, Kids Fun Valley, Country Side, Melon probes, probes Salak, Tutul Deer Conservation, Water Vehicle, Outbound, Mekarsari And Recreation Park also offers activities to end Family Picnic, among others, and Vegetable Garden Tour, Company Gatherings
During a tour Mekarsari Park, visitors will be explained about the fruits and vegetables grown in the Garden Tour Mekarsari. Starting from the name, the benefit to the properties of fruits are described in detail by the guide. Visitors can also try to taste the fruits that are cultivated. For example melon. Melonnya completely different because it is only cultivated in Mekarsari and it felt so sweet.
In the park there Mekarsari Tour 30-meter-high tower to see the whole Mekarsari Recreation Park, and Tower is equipped with elevators. A unique one of Tourism Park is Mekarsari Waterfall Building (Waterfall Building). 7-storey building is the tallest waterfall building in Indonesia. Waterfall Building is the symbol Mekarsari Park
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